
Dr. Constanze Schadl

Research assistant at the Department of Education at the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science​
Image: C. Schadl

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2024
    Research Scientist
    Chair of Mathematics Education, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
  • Since 2023
    Participation in Emmy-Noether-mentoring program
  • September 2023 – February 2024 
    Mathematics teacher, Munich
  • 2023
    Deputy professorship for mathematics and mathematics education, Ludwigsburg University of Education 
  • 2022 – 2024
    Representation of women’s representative, University of Jena 
  • 2021 – 2023
    Participation in mentoring program for postdocs (university association Halle-Jena-Leipzig)
  • 2020 – 2024
    Research scientist 
    Department of Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Jena                    
  • 2020
    Dr. rer. nat. in mathematics education
    Thesis: Individual prerequisites for the acquisition of fraction concept. Structural analysis and analysis of longitudinal predictability.
  • 2019 – 2020
    Participation in LMU mentoring program
  • 2018 – 2020
    Representation of women’s representative 
    Faculty of mathematics, computer science and statistics, LMU Munich
  • 2016 – 2020    
    Research scientist and doctoral student
    Department of mathematics education, LMU Munich
  • 2016
    Second state examination for upper level secondary school teachers
    First state examination: counseling teacher certification
  • 2014
    First state examination for upper level secondary school teachers
    LMU Munich, subjects: Mathematics and Psychology

Research interests

Primary and secondary level

  • Individual prerequisites for the acquisition of fraction concept (e.g., proportional reasoning, SFoN-tendency, SFoR-tendency, number line tasks)
  • Fraction learning
  • Digital curriculum-based measurement in mathematics (formative assessment)

Tertiary level

  • Transition from school to university and from university to school (development of „Schnittstellenaufgaben“ and of digital learning materials)



Schadl, C. (2020). Individuelle Lernvoraussetzungen für den Erwerb des Bruchzahlkonzepts. Struk­turanalysen und Untersuchung der längsschnittlichen Prädiktivität. Münster: Waxmann. http://www.waxmann.com/buch4292External link

Articles in Journals (with review)

Schadl, C. & Ufer, S. (2023). Beyond linearity: Using IRT-scaled level models to describe the relation between prior proportional reasoning skills and fraction learning outcomes. Child Development, 94(6), 1642-1658. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13954External link 

Schadl, C. & Ufer, S. (2023, online first). Mathematical knowledge and skills as longitudinal predictors of fraction learning among sixth grade students. Journal of Educational Psychology. https://dx.doi.org/10.1037/edu0000808External link

Hoth, J. & Schadl, C. (under revision). Dealing with lengths in primary mathematics education - levels of a length concept.

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (under revision). Preparing for digital monitoring of learning in the context of fractions: Development and piloting of two tests for the assessment of prior knowledge according to content-specific learning models.

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (under revision). Searching for efficient and informative tests for digital learning monitoring when combining curriculum-based measurement and learning trajectories-based assessments in the fraction context: Digital tests for fraction subconstructs knowledge and informal fraction knowledge on the test bench.

Schadl, C. & Ufer, S. (under review). Who struggles with which demand? Using level models to understand interindividual differences in and relations between facets of fraction knowledge.

Schadl, C. & Ufer, S. (in prep.). Modeling predictive relations in the fraction context: Which students' profiles of prior mathematics performance will likely succeed with later fraction learning?

Articles in Conference Proceedings (with review)

Hoth, J. & Schadl, C. (accepted). Relevant measurement skills to solve word problems with lengths. In Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. PME. 

Hoth, J. & Schadl, C. (accepted). The relevance of benchmark knowledge and measurement skills for students' lenght estimation skills. In Proceedings of the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education. ICME. 

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (2022). Modelling proportional reasoning skills in levels within a digital setting. In C. Fernández, S. Llinares, Á. Gutiérrez, & N. Planas (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 387-394). PME.

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (2023). Arithmetische Fähigkeiten in der Sekundarstufe I als Lernvoraussetzung für die Bruchrechnung digital erheben: Auf dem Weg zu effizienten Kurztests für Lernverlaufsmessungen. 10. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung [GEBF], Essen, Germany. 

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (2023). Digital monitoring of fraction learning: Adapting a test for knowledge of fraction subconstructs. In M. Ayalon, B. Koichu, R. Leikin, L. Rubel, & M. Tabach (Eds.), Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, pp. 155-162). PME.

Articles in Conference Proceedings (without review)

Knorr, L., Schadl, C., & Hoth, J. (2022). Größenvorstellungen zu Längen in der Primarstufe - Welche Facetten sind Teil dieses Konstrukts? Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022. 

Rachel, A., Schadl, C., & Ufer, S. (2018). Problemorientierte Aufgaben zur Intensivierung des Berufs­feld­bezugs im Lehramtsstudium Mathematik. In Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universi­tät Pader­born (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht (S. 1451 - 1454). Münster: WTM.

Schadl, C. (2020). Individuelle Lernvoraussetzungen für den Erwerb des Bruchzahlkonzepts. Untersu­chung der Prädiktivität und Strukturanalysen. GDM–Mitteilungen, 108, 79-80.

Schadl, C. (2021). Prädiktoren für das Rechnen mit Größen im Bruchrechenkontext. In K. Hein, C. Heil, S. Ruwisch, & S. Prediger (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2021. Münster: WTM. 

Schadl, C. & Lindmeier, A. (2022). Digitales Testen am Beispiel des proportionalen Schließens auf dem Prüfstand. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2022. 

Schadl, C., Rachel, A., & Ufer, S. (2019). Stärkung des Berufsfeldbezugs im Lehramtsstudium Mathe­matik. GDM–Mitteilungen, 107, 47-51.

Schadl, C., & Ufer, S. (2018). Vorwissen für den Erwerb des Bruchkonzepts. Erhebungsinstrumente aus dem Projekt EWIWE. In Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universität Paderborn (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht (S. 1551 - 1554). Münster: WTM.

Schadl, C., & Ufer, S. (2019). Vorwissensprofile für den Erwerb des Bruchzahlkonzepts. Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2019.

Schadl, C., & Ufer, S. (2020). Innovative Modellierungen von bivariaten Zusammenhängen im Bereich der Bruchrechnung. In H.-S. Siller, W. Weigel, & J. F. Wörler (Hrsg.), Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2020 (S. 1229-1232). Münster: WTM.


Knorr, L., Hoth, J., & Schadl, C. (accepted). The relevance of students' length concept for their skills to convert and deal with length in context situations. ICME 2024, Sydney. 

Rachel, A., Ufer, S., & Schadl, C. (2020). Math.meets.school². Praxisbezogen fachmathematische Arbeitsweisen lernen. GDM 2020, Würzburg. 

Ufer, S., Rachel, A., & Schadl, C. (2016). Lehrerbildung@LMU: reflect@math.lmu und connex­er­cise@math.lmu. Abschlusstagung Lehrerbildung@LMU, München.

Ufer, S., Rachel, A., & Schadl, C. (2018). Lehrerbildung@LMU: reflect@math.lmu und connexer­cise@math.lmu. Abschlusstagung Lehrerbildung@LMU, München.

Ufer, S., Schadl, C., & Rachel, A. (2019). Math.meets.school². Fachmathematische Arbeits­weisen für Studium und Berufspraxis im Lehramt entwickeln. Jahrestreffen Lehrerbil­dung@LMU, München.


  • 2024     Publication award for postdocs (awarded by the GEBF)

Leading of workshops

  • 2021     CAS (Computer-Algebra-Systems) - An introduction, TU Dresden
  • 2021     Development of CAS tasks (part I), TU Dresden   
  • 2021     Development of CAS tasks (part II), TU Dresden
  • 2020     GeoGebra classic and GeoGebra 3D, L³ TU Munich
  • 2019     GeoGebra classic and GeoGebra 3D, L³ TU Munich
  • 2018     GeoGebra (secondary level)
  • 2017     Relations between mathematical situations and mathematics (primary level)

Further activities

  • Review activities (e.g., for the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Journal für Mathematikdidaktik) 
  • Coordination of the network mdMD de
  • Organization of the conference on "digital teaching and learning of mathematics at school and extracurricular settings"