Josephine Paul

Research Scientist at the Department of Education at the Faculty for Mathematics and Computer Science

Professional CV

  • Since 11/2021
    Research Scientist and Doctoral Student, Chair of Mathematics Education, Department of Education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Jena 
  • 10/2021
    State Examination for Upper Level Secondary School Teachers (Mathematics, Geography, University of Jena) 
  • 2020-2021
    Student Assistant, Chair of Geography Education, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Jena
  • 2020
    Student Assistant, Chair of Function Spaces, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Jena
  • 2018
    Student Assistant, Chair of Social Geography, Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences, University of Jena

Research interests

  • meaning of cultural aspects for the perception of instruction and instructional quality in mathematics


Josephine Friederike Paul
Josephine Paul
Image: Carina Lange